We proudly acknowledge the Aboriginal history provided by noted Aboriginal author Melissa Lucashenko, www.melissalucashenko.com.au.
It was researched by Ms Lucashenko in consultation with Uncle Des Sandy who is the senior Elder for
the Yuggera nation, also with the Logan Elders Group and Aunty Eileen Williams.
We proudly acknowledge the sponsorship of Amtac's Rick Draper and Jill Fechner who from 2016 host the KFPS website
right here in Brisbane, Australia. Amtac run the QR2Id service for Point-Of-Interest Markers, Emergency Markers
and Asset Markers, see QR2Id.
"Administration expense for 2019/2020 was proudly funded by a Lord Mayor's Community Sustainability &
Environmental Grants Program grant from Brisbane City Council."
In 2012 a decision at a general meeting suggested that KFPS also has a fauna logo. Vincent Watego, graphic artist, nature-lover and
photographer, created this painting, which was accepted at a general meeting in 2013. The logo is a painting of
the Green-thighed Frog, Litoria

An art competition was held in ca.1990 to establish a logo for KFPS. The Woodridge Primary School's Art Teacher
judged Marilyn Murphy's line-drawing to be the winning entry. KFPS have proudly used this logo since KFPS's
incorporation. The logo depicts the gumnuts & leaves of Eucalyptus Planchoniana,
a.k.a. Planchon's Stringybark, Needlebark Stringybark or Bastard Tallowwood.